Research in the creative process

What do we like about our work, why do we do it? These are some of the questions that in my twenty-year career I have asked myself several times, especially in the most complicated moments, but which are also the moments, once overcome, a source of pride and joy.

The answers come with time and maturity, and therefore I can say that the researches with which I give life to the creative process are the part that fascinates me most!

The curiosity to know more and to discover that we are ever smaller in the face of the immensity of human culture is an enormous emotion.

Keeping the explorer in us alive is also a way to stay young and not “sit down” and becoming spectators of our life that inexorably always goes in one direction.

I feel lucky to have chosen a job where the solution always passes from the study of the problem which, once understood, it finds the solution by itself, paraphrasing Massimo Vignelli.

In the hundreds of researches, some of them I had found very intriguing and knowledgeable and my intentions are to publish them at the “irregular deadlines” on the new blog just published, visit it. I will keep you informed on new articles through the social pages of LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram, so do not wait to join and subcribe.

Art@mode process

Harmony, passion and a challenge. At the end of October, in full lockdown, I received a message from Cinzia, she asked me […]